“Dark Shores-Return to Serendib” just released!

The long-awaited sequel to “Serendib-Isle of dreams” has just been released by AuthorHouse UK and is now available online through the publisher Author House, Amazon,  directly from the author, and all major bookshops. There will be several promotional events in the forthcoming months. Dates and venues to be advised soon.

Book promotion at St Kilda Library!

What a great event it was on Saturday the 25th of September 2010! So many interested people turned up and were keen to know about my books and latest publications. Del Nightingale  presenter of “Writers at work” on radio 3rpp introduced me and two other Melbourne authors Peter Frederick and Peter Whelan from Authors Australia Inc as well. Question time was certainly stimulating with those present eager to learn more about the self-publishing industry and how we market our books.   A representative from Melbourne tv channel 31 videoed the event with a comprehensive interview at the end of the promotion.  A big thank you to Authors Australia Inc for organising the event. I hope to hold several more book promotions at various libraries and book stores in the near future.

Forthcoming Book Promotion

Authors Australia Inc. will be hosting an author talk and promotional event at St Kilda Library at 11.30 am on the 25th of September 2010.  I will talk about my latest book “Wild Poppies-Stories & Verse” and my writing career spanning forty years, which culminated in the compilation of this collection. Del Nightingale,  presenter of “Writers at work”on radio 3rpp will be present to introduce the authors. This is a free event and you are most welcome to share a cuppa, ask questions and participate in discussions about writing and publishing.

Welcome all to nalinidesielvie.com


Thanks for visiting nalinidesielvie.com.

This site has several dimensions to it and allows readers, self publishers, writers, artists, or just the curious to read and explore the many areas of an Artists mind, whatever type that is?

Please enjoy my Publications available for sale through this site and authorhouse.com (which has a soft cover version available by print on demand), or my ebooks available at:


There’s also a collection of my art works which range from the early 70’s to current, with some of my works being displayed in Galleries, Award winning works as well as some Commission work which I currently have around Australia,Europe, the UK and also Sri Lanka.

I do commission work on a work by works basis and this ranges from Portraits (including pets), Landscapes and Personal requests.

If you have any enquiries or are interested in a particular area, please email me and I’ll try to help out the best I can.
