Welcome all to nalinidesielvie.com


Thanks for visiting nalinidesielvie.com.

This site has several dimensions to it and allows readers, self publishers, writers, artists, or just the curious to read and explore the many areas of an Artists mind, whatever type that is?

Please enjoy my Publications available for sale through this site and authorhouse.com (which has a soft cover version available by print on demand), or my ebooks available at:


There’s also a collection of my art works which range from the early 70’s to current, with some of my works being displayed in Galleries, Award winning works as well as some Commission work which I currently have around Australia,Europe, the UK and also Sri Lanka.

I do commission work on a work by works basis and this ranges from Portraits (including pets), Landscapes and Personal requests.

If you have any enquiries or are interested in a particular area, please email me and I’ll try to help out the best I can.


Happy New Year!

Another year has ended, and it’s only natural that many of us look back and wonder if we achieved all that we intended to in the last twelve months.
Personally, I wish I could have done a lot more than I did as I wanted to write more and publish more books. But I set more goals than it was possible to achieve.
Although I did publish “Catsville” in 2023, so I don’t feel as if I was totally unproductive last year.
I wish all my readers and everyone out there a Happy New Year, and may you achieve what you intend to achieve (when you make all those new year resolutions).
My goal is to publish a collection of short stories and poems that I wrote over a span of fifty years or more, and after that another novel or two.
May 2024 be a peaceful and splendid year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers!

Here we are at the end of another challenging and uncertain year, but I hope everyone achieved something that they strived for. I completed a long-overdue screenplay for Catsville and I hope the New Year sees the animated version come alive. Hold onto your writing ambitions and keep working away on your manuscripts.
I have been commissioned to write a biography about an Italian immigrant who made it as a successful singer in Australia. This should keep me busy for the better part of 2022 as there is a lot of research and interviews involved in the process.

Reviews for “Written In The Stars”

“Written In The Stars” has attracted many happy readers who have left great reviews on Amazon, which are available for you to read. It has been an unsettled year but I’m pleased to announce that I finally completed the screenplay for “Catsville” in October 2021 and I’m in the process of finding an animation production company in Australia. Here’s hoping 2022 will be a great year for everyone. Enjoy the festive season and stay safe.